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  • Writer's pictureSelumun Quotivation

5 Things Women Can Never Reveal In A Relationship

Women are very good at keeping secrets, although not all. So guys, don't even expect to know some of their secrets that I will be sharing with you here.

We all know that it is not possible to learn and understand women, women are very difficult to understand and they have their ways of doing things that most men will find difficult to understand, especially when it comes to relationship issues.

Women will tell you a lot of things, but they will never tell most of the important ones, no matter how much she loves you, most women just like to keep these secrets to themselves.

On many occasions where women were asked what they normally hide from their boyfriends or partners. The feedbacks were all insightful. Most women decide to be honest while others choose not to be honest.

Below are the 5 top things women keep as secrets in a relationship.

1. A woman can never reveal her chats with her other female friends.

They normally say women chats belong to women and your woman, too has sworn by it. She can never uncover her chats with other female friends to you, it is impossible to know their gossip.

So understand that it is not possible to know some of these secrets from your woman, so, stop trying to know her secrets, just respect their privacy.

2. Women will never tell how they crush on other men every day.

Your woman loves you with her whole heart, that doesn't mean she will not crush on other men or guys out there, but those crushes are harmless so, they seem no reason for telling you how they're seeing a cute guy elsewhere.

This is another bombshell secret that a woman can never tell you.

3. A woman can not tell you the exact amount they spent on shopping.

I could remember very well whenever I go to the market with my mom, and when Dad asked how much she spent, she will approximate the bill. Hope you have ever wondered why your woman wears new clothes without you knowing where about or buying other things without demanding money from you? That's the reason. She can never tell you and it is never going to happen.

4. A woman can not tell you the exact number of exes they have.

No matter how hard you try to find out but she will never tell you although, she might tell you the ones she feels like, she can not tell the exact number of guys she dated before you.

5. She can not tell you that she watches porn.

"I don't watch pornography" that's the common language they always say, while some women watch porn but they will hide it from you. Even if your woman agreed that she watches porn, she can never disclose the type of porn that she watches.

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